Explore the top 5 interactive features of WinForms TreeView control.



Load on demand

Selection modes

Data binding

Data binding

Data binding support is available for various types of data structures such as tables, collections of tables, and custom objects. You can easily bind a data source at the designer level.

Selection modes

You can move chosen nodes within or outside the tree through OLE drag and drop. In multiselect mode, you can enable node selection within the same level or across various levels.

Load on demand

TreeView was designed to effectively handle and display large amounts of data. It enables users to bind trees to extensive data sets and efficiently load and expand nodes as needed.


The TreeView control's architectural style allows users to establish distinct styles for various tree components. Every node inherits these diverse styles before being displayed.


The control architecture enables smooth data consumption from hierarchical sources, facilitating display. Users can effortlessly connect XML data from diverse sources like external files and data set objects.

Syncfusion WinForms TreeView

The WinForms TreeView control is highly advanced, providing numerous customization choices. Additionally, it offers a data-bound mode that simplifies the visualization of grouped relational data.

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