Explore the Important features of Blazor Kanban.

· Flexible layout  · Workflow  · Card options   · Card editing  · Swim lanes

Flexible layout

Kanban boards usually have a simple design with cards and columns, but users can customize them to meet more complex needs.


The Kanban method governs the movement of cards among columns, either constraining or permitting transitions, thereby ensuring a regulated workflow.

Card options

A card serves as the primary component within the Blazor Kanban. Customize the look and feel of Kanban cards, update card statuses with drag-and-drop functionality, and choose multiple cards via mouse, keyboard, or touch interfaces.

Card editing

Users can create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) cards. Through intuitive, dialog-based editing and customizable templates, users can tailor the experience to their application requirements. A data manager streamlines editing operations, ensuring the smooth management of Kanban tasks.

Swim lanes

Swim lanes are horizontal categorizations of cards on the Kanban board. They serve as a method for grouping cards, enhancing clarity in the workflow process.

Syncfusion Blazor Kanban Board

The Blazor Kanban is a task scheduling component offering a clear user interface for managing multiple stages of work. It is used in real-time applications for project management, software development, manufacturing processes, task scheduling, and personal task management.

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