· Headers and content  · Card types    · Action buttons  · Tile view   · Styles and themes

Build dynamic React Cards with these five standout features

Headers and Content

React Card features headers, subheaders, and images. Images can be positioned before or after the header. Content within the Card can include text, images, links, and various HTML elements, all adaptable within the Card's root element.

Card Types

Create diverse card designs like business cards, weather cards, graph cards, avatar cards, flip cards, stacked cards, reveal cards, and swipe cards. As a fully customizable container, Card can be transformed into any desired format.

Action Buttons

The entire card UI can be set up as a clickable action item, or specific action buttons can be added to cards. Action buttons are customizable and can be included within the Card.

Tile View

Various card collections, like tile views, can be easily generated using predefined HTML templates, simplifying rendering in web applications.

Styles and Themes

React Card offers a rich set of built-in themes: Material, Bootstrap, Fabric (Office 365), Tailwind CSS, and high contrast. Users customize them via Sass variables or the Theme Studio app.

Syncfusion React Card

React Card is a container-based user interface (UI) component built using HTML5/CSS3 markup and styles for organized content. It can be used   in social media and e-commerce apps like Facebook, Google Now, and Amazon for   detailed views in galleries or dashboards.

No credit card required.