Routing in Web Development



Passing parameters

Client and server-side routing  

SPA vs. multipage applications

Web navigation, known as routing, manages how web apps respond to URL changes and what they show users. It’s a mechanism that enables navigation among different pages or views in a web application.


Routes are typically defined as patterns in the URL that map to specific components or pages in the application. These route patterns can include placeholders for dynamic values or parameters.


Routes allow for the passing of parameters, such as user IDs or product names, through the URL. Parameters enhance the flexibility and dynamic nature of web applications by enabling components to react to different input values.

Passing parameters

Web applications can employ client-side routing (e.g., using JavaScript and frameworks like React, Angular, or Blazor WebAssembly) or server-side routing (e.g., using server-side frameworks like ASP.NET Core with Razor Pages or MVC). Each approach has its advantages and use cases.

Client and server-side routing

In single page applications (SPAs), client-side routing is often used to load and render different components without a full page reload. This provides a smoother user experience by updating only the necessary parts of the page. In multipage applications (MPAs), server-side routing is more common, where each page corresponds to a separate HTML file.

SPA vs. multipage applications

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