Explore the 4 best practices for Blazor performance.

Shrink the app download size

Use ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation

Boost the speed of JavaScript interoperability

Boost the rendering speed


Boost the rendering  speed

When Blazor apps must render a  large number of items that need to be accessible at any moment, virtualization comes in handy. Make components lightweight in order  to keep the UI quick and responsive.


Boost the speed of JavaScript interoperability

Excessive calls should be avoided. JS interop calls are asynchronous by default. On the Blazor WebAssembly hosting model, you can use synchronous JS interop calls.


Use ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation

AOT-compiled apps are bigger and take longer to download, but they typically deliver superior runtime performance, especially for apps that perform  CPU-intensive operations.


Shrink the  app download size

Publish Blazor apps in the release configuration with the .NET WebAssembly build tools installed so that runtime relinking is executed automatically, eliminating unnecessary logic. Lazy load assemblies at runtime when the assemblies are needed by a route.

Build modern Blazor Apps

Syncfusion Blazor components offer 80+ UI and data visualization web controls like DataGrid, Charts, and Scheduler that are responsive and lightweight for building modern web apps.

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