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How do I extend the Link types present in Essential Diagram?

1 min read

How do I extend the Link types present in Essential Diagram?

To create a new Link class or to customize the drawing for an existing link type, implement a subclass of the Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Link class with an appropriate override of the Link.CreateLinkShape(Link.Shapes shapeType, PointF[] pts) method. The CreateLinkShape method is called by the Link constructor and it is up to your override to suitably interpret the method parameters and returns a valid implementation of the Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.IPoints interface. A sample override is shown below:


// A subclass of the Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Link class
public class CustomLink : Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Link
// Override the Link.CreateLinkShape method to create a link for the specified type 
// and with the given points
protected override IPoints CreateLinkShape(Link.Shapes shapeType, PointF[] pts)
Shape linkShape = null;
  if(shapeType == Link.Shapes.OrthogonalLine)
    OrthogonalLine orthogonalLine = new OrthogonalLine();
    orthogonalLine.AutomaticHeadings = true;
    linkShape = orthogonalLine;
   if(linkShape != null)
   return linkShape;


Now all that is required to use this Link type is to provide to the LinkTool a LinkFactory delegate that instantiates this newly defined Link type when the tool is activated. A sample implementation is shown below:


// Create a Link tool for the custom link type
LinkTool customLinkTool = new LinkTool("CustomLinkTool");
customLinkTool.LinkFactory = new LinkFactory(this.CreateCustomLink);
// Register this tool with the Diagram Controller
// LinkFactory delegate for instantiating the CustomLink
protected Link CreateCustomLink(PointF[] pts)
CustomLink mylink = new CustomLink(Link.Shapes.OrthogonalLine, pts);
return mylink;


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