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How to map the custom commands to existing gestures (keyboard shortcuts and mouse) in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)?

1 min read

WPF Diagram (SfDiagram) provides support to map or bind command execution with desired combination of key gestures and some built-in commands. The CommandManager provides support to define custom commands. The custom commands are executed, when the specified key gesture is recognized.

To define a custom command, specify the following properties.

  1. Gesture: Class represents the combination of keys, key modifiers, and key states.
  2. Command: Property for custom command.
  3. Parameter: Property for additional information for the command execution. This is not a mandatory to set.

Refer to the following code example and sample for creating the custom command to save the diagram.

ObservableCollection<IGestureCommand> commands= diagram.CommandManager.Commands;
 //DataContext of the window or diagram
 CommandViewModel viewModel = (this.DataContext as CommandViewModel);
 //Create GestureCommand with gesture keys and commands.
 GestureCommand command = new GestureCommand();
 Gesture gesture = new Gesture()
   Key = Key.S,
   KeyModifiers = ModifierKeys.Control,
   KeyState = KeyStates.Down
command.Gesture = gesture;
//Set command from viewmodel to diagram
command.Command =viewModel==null? viewModel.Save:null;
command.Parameter = this.diagram;


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