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How to apply GradientColorMapping to SfTreeMap

1 min read

By using the leaf color mapping, you can apply colors to tree map. To apply gradient colors, specify the gradient ranges as demonstrated in the following code sample.

                            <syncfusion:RangeBrush  From="0" To="1" LegendLabel="1 % Growth">
                                    <Color A="255" R="241" G="236" B="216"/>
                                    <Color A="255" R="222" G="226" B="185"/>
                            <syncfusion:RangeBrush From="0" To="2" LegendLabel="2 % Growth">
                                    <Color A="255" R="222" G="226" B="185"/>
                                    <Color A="255" R="203" G="216" B="154"/>
                            <syncfusion:RangeBrush Color="#FFAF51" From="0" To="3" LegendLabel="3 % Growth">
                                    <Color A="255" R="203" G="216" B="154"/>
                                    <Color A="255" R="184" G="206" B="123"/>
                            <syncfusion:RangeBrush Color="#F3D240" From="0" To="4" LegendLabel="4 % Growth">
                                    <Color A="255" R="184" G="206" B="123"/>
                                    <Color A="255" R="156" G="191" B="78"/>


Output Image

Apply gradient ColorMapping to SfTreeMap control

Sample for applying gradient colors to tree map:

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