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Steps to convert an existing ASP.NET project to any specific Essential Studio version

1 min read

Configuring machine for selected version:

1. Open the Dashboard from following location. Start --> All Programs --> Syncfusion --> Essential Studio ${version} --> Dashboard.

2. Go to ASP.NET tab, select the AssemblyManagement --> Assembly Manager.

3. In Assembly Manager, select 'Remove all versions' and do 'Perform Action'.

4. Then in the Assembly Manager, select install version ${version} and do "Perform Action".

5. This will install and configure the assemblies of given specific Essential Studio version in the machine and will ensure only that version is present in the machine.

Updating ASP.NET projects:

For any ASP.NET projects, the following are the list of files where Syncfusion references should be updated for any change in the version numbers.

a. .aspx files. b. web.config files. c. .master files.

The following console utility will help you to update the version number required in these files. The ReadMe.html in the pack has instructions on how to use this utility.

Sample command:ASP_NET_VersionUpdater.exe "C:\ASPNETSamples" "" "3.5"

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