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Create RDL and RDLC reports programmatically

3 mins read

The Syncfusion reporting component allows you to create and export RDL and RDLC reports programmatically using C# without the help of a visual report designer. The ReportDefinition class is defined as an object model of a report. You can create, add, and modify the report properties; report sections like header and footer; and report items in the report definition instance. The following code snippet illustrates how to create a basic report object model.


Initialize report definition


ReportDefinition report = new ReportDefinition();
report.ReportSections = new ReportSections();
var reportSection = new ReportSection();
reportSection.Body = CreateBody();
reportSection.Page = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Page();
reportSection.Page.PageHeader = CreateHeader();
reportSection.Page.PageFooter = CreateFooter();
reportSection.Page.Style = AddStyle();
reportSection.Page.PageHeight = "4in";
reportSection.Page.PageWidth = "6in";
reportSection.Width = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size("6in");
report.ReportUnitType = "Inch";
report.RDLType = RDLType.RDL2010;


Create a report page header


The following code snippet guides you in creating a PageHeader report section and setting values to its properties.


PageHeader pageHeader = new PageHeader();
pageHeader.Height = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size("0.59167in"); 
pageHeader.ReportItems = new ReportItems();
pageHeader.PrintOnFirstPage = true;
pageHeader.PrintOnLastPage = true;


Create a report page footer


The following code snippet guides you in creating a PageFooter report section and setting values to its properties.


PageFooter pageFooter = new PageFooter();
pageFooter.Height = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size("0.59167in");
pageFooter.ReportItems = new ReportItems();
pageFooter.PrintOnFirstPage = true;
pageFooter.PrintOnLastPage = true;


Initialize a report body object and set values to its properties like height, styles, and report items as shown in the following code snippet.


var body = new Body();
body.Height = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size("2.03333in");
body.Style = AddStyle();
body.ReportItems = new ReportItems();


Using the following code snippets, you can create a text box report item and assign values for its properties like name, styles, paragraphs, and dimension values. You can also create multiple report items.


var textBox = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.TextBox();
textBox.Style = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Style();
textBox.Height = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size(height);
textBox.Width = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size(width);
textBox.Left = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size(left);
textBox.Top = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size(top);
textBox.Name = "TextBox1";
textBox.Paragraphs = new Paragraphs();
Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Paragraph paragraph = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Paragraph();
TextRuns runs = new TextRuns();
TextRun run = new TextRun();
run.Style = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Style();
run.Style.FontStyle = "Default";
run.Style.TextAlign = "Center";
run.Style.FontFamily = "Arial";
run.Style.FontSize = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Size("10pt");
run.Value = text;
paragraph.Style = new Syncfusion.RDL.DOM.Style();
paragraph.Style.VerticalAlign = "Top";
paragraph.Style.TextAlign = "Center";
paragraph.TextRuns = runs;
textBox.Style.TextAlign = "Center";
textBox.Style.VerticalAlign = "Top";


After the report definition is created, it can be converted to a stream or saved into a local file using the XmlSerializer’s Deserialize method. In the following code snippet, the SaveSerialize local method has been created to serialize the report object model to create a report file (.rdl / .rdlc).


private void SaveSerialize(string reportPath, ReportDefinition report)
    string nameSpace = "";
    if (report.RDLType == RDLType.RDL2010)
        nameSpace = "";
    else if (report.RDLType == RDLType.RDL2016)
        nameSpace = "";
    XmlSerializer xs2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ReportDefinition), nameSpace);
    XmlSerializerNamespaces xs = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
    xs.Add("rd", "");
    if (report.RDLType == RDLType.RDL2016)
        xs.Add("df", "");
        TextWriter ws2 = new StreamWriter(reportPath);
        xs2.Serialize(ws2, report, xs);
    catch { }


You can render the report through the Report Viewer or Report Writer, after the report definition or stream is created. The following code snippet illustrates how to export the report into PDF format through the Report Writer using report definition.


ReportWriter reportWriter = new ReportWriter();
reportWriter.Save(fileName, WriterFormat.PDF);


The following code snippet illustrates how to export a report into PDF format through the Report Writer using the report path if it is saved in a local file.


ReportWriter reportWriter = new ReportWriter(path);
reportWriter.Save(fileName, WriterFormat.PDF);




Download dynamic report creation sample

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