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Report Server Log Files

2 mins read

In computing, a log file is a file that records events that occur in an operating system or other software. It contains information used when reviewing the problem request.

Error logs

In Syncfusion Report Server, error log files are generated when an exception occurs while configuring or interacting with a report. They are generated in the name “errors.txt” in the following location:

  • [installed drive]:\Syncfusion\Report Server\ReportServer.Web\App_Data\Logs
  • C:\Syncfusion\Report Server\ReportServer.Web\App_Data\Logs

Debug logs

Event log files hold the complete user interaction details one after the other, when interacting with a report hosted in the Report Server. They are generated in the name “debug-info.txt” in the following location:

  • [installed drive]:\Syncfusion\Report Server\ReportServer.Web\App_Data\Logs
  • C:\Syncfusion\Report Server\ReportServer.Web\App_Data\Logs

Location of log files

For any configurations made in the Report Server, log files are generated in different folders listed in the following table based on the nature of the error.

Folder name



Error logs are generated while accessing the Report Server related API with unexpected/irrelevant parameters. For example, when someone tries to get user details using an invalid User ID, an error log is generated.


Error logs are generated when unexpected behavior happens in the Report Server. For example, when someone tries to render a deleted Report mistakenly, an error log is generated.


Error logs are generated when exporting the reports or email notification option fails in a Report.


Error logs are generated when login user details do not match the imported user details.


The structure of logs folder looks as follows. You can collect the log files from the following location to share with us.


Azure App Service

Users who deployed the Report Server in Azure App Service should follow the given steps to take log files:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal:
  2. Select the Syncfusion Report Server App Service.
  3. Stop the Report Server Azure App Service and then, click the Get publish profile.

  1. Save the <App service name>.PublishSettings file and open it. The file contains 2 <publishProfile> sections for Web Deploy and FTP.
  2. From the FTP <publishProfile> section, copy the following values:





  1. Using these credentials in the FTP client FileZilla, plug these values into the Host, Username, and Password fields as shown here, and click Quickconnect.


  1. Share the logs from following location “/site/wwwroot/App_Data/Logs” as shown below.


For Verbose logging

Verbose logging is a computer logging mode that records more information than the usual logging. (Verbose means using more words than necessary). In some scenarios, normal logging does not provide more information required for troubleshooting the issue. In such case, verbose logging is used.

To enable the verbose logging system, set the key ‘IsLogOptionalData’ to true in the Report Server, API, Windows Authentication and Scheduler Service web config files. Additional log information including parameters or other key values that causes exception is added to log files.


Location of config files



Report Server

[installed drive]:\Syncfusion\Report Server\ReportServer.Web\Web.config


[installed drive]:\Syncfusion\Report Server\ReportServer.Web\API\Web.config

Windows Authentication

[installed drive]:\Syncfusion\Report Server\ReportServer.Web\WindowsAuthentication\Web.config

Scheduler Service

[installed drive]:\Syncfusion\Report Server\SchedulerServiceInstaller\Syncfusion.Server.Base.Reports.SchedulerService.exe.config


After completing the above changes, replicate the issue and collect the log files from the following location to share with us.





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