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How to create a custom GridColumn ?

2 mins read

SfDataGrid allows you to create custom GridColumn by following the below steps.

  1. Create a new class by inheriting from the GridColumn. You must specify the GridColumn.CellType property to create a custom column.
  2. A corresponding CellRenderer class for the custom column must be created by customizing the GridVirtualizingCellRenderer<D, E>.
  3. You should override the below methods in the created cell renderer class.
  1. OnCreateDisplayUIView()to create the cell content to be loaded inside the grid cell.
  2. OnInitializeDisplayView() – to initialize the cell content loaded inside the grid cell with required settings.
  1. Finally, you must add the custom column to the SfDataGrid.Columns collection and its renderer in the SfDataGrid.CellRenderers collection.



D- type of the view that should be placed inside cells in display mode

E- type of the view that should be placed inside cells in edit mode



For example, refer the below example in which a custom column is created for loading a Stepper control in the grid columns. Since the Stepper control is loaded the LoadUIView property is set as true. A custom renderer class is written to load Stepper control as both display and edit views.

Creating Stepper Column

public class StepperColumn: GridColumn
     public StepperColumn()
           this.LoadUIView = true;
           var cellType = typeof(GridColumn).GetRuntimeProperties().FirstOrDefault((property) => property.Name == "CellType");
           cellType.SetValue(this, "Stepper");


Custom cell renderer for StepperColumn

public class StepperColumnRenderer: GridVirtualizingCellRenderer<Stepper, Stepper>
      public StepperColumnRenderer()
            IsEditable = true;
            IsFocusable = true;
      public override void OnInitializeDisplayView(DataColumnBase dataColumn, Stepper view)
      protected override Stepper OnCreateDisplayUIView()
            return new Stepper();



public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        SfDataGrid dataGrid;
        ViewModel viewModel;
        public MainPage()
            dataGrid = new SfDataGrid() { ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Star};
            viewModel = new ViewModel();
            dataGrid.ItemsSource = viewModel.OrdersInfo;
            dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            dataGrid.CellRenderers.Add("Stepper", new StepperColumnRenderer());
            var customColumn = new StepperColumn();
            customColumn.MappingName = "OrderID";
            this.Content = dataGrid;




SampleLink: How to create a custom GridColumn?


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