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How to refer the NuGet package from local directory in mac?

4 mins read


Please refer the below steps to refer NuGet from local directory.


Step 1: Open Project in Visual Studio for Mac.


Step 2: In Visual Studio for Mac navigate to Visual Studio >Preferences…  > NuGet  > to view. You will see the  NuGet will already be there. To add a NuGet, simply select the Add button in the lower-right.



Step 3: Add Package Source dialog window will open as like below screen shot.



Step 4: In Name field, enter the name that you want to refer for local package. In Location field, add the NuGet location from file path.



Step 6: In Project, right-click on the Packages folder in the Solution Pad and select Add Packages…: 



Step 7: This will launch the Add Packages... window then select the Local Package from the drop-down as like in below screen shot.




Step 8: Select the local package name, it will show the NuGet package that you want to access.






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