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How to filter level elements from slicer axis in JS Pivot Client?

1 min read

This KB illustrates that how to filter level elements from slicer axis in JS Pivot Client.


Follow the given steps to exclude the level elements with OLAP server mode in the slicer axis through code behind.

Step 1:

Create a project for pivot client through the following documentation link.




Step 2:

Add the following namespace to the pivot client Web API controller.

using Syncfusion.Olap.DataProvider;


Step 3:

In the pivot client Web API controller, you can use the “excludeElements” method to filter the level elements from the slicer axis.

public OlapDataManager excludeElements(OlapDataManager dataManager)
 var slicerElements = dataManager.CurrentReport.SlicerElements;         
 foreach (var sliceElement in slicerElements)
 string uniqueName = (sliceElement.ElementValue as DimensionElement).Hierarchy.LevelElements[0].UniqueName;
 var memberCollection = (dataManager.DataProvider as Syncfusion.Olap.DataProvider.AdomdDataProvider).GetMembersUsingMDX(uniqueName, 0, 0, false, Syncfusion.Olap.DataProvider.NodeTypes.Parent);
 DimensionElement excludedColumnElement = new DimensionElement();
 excludedColumnElement.Name = (sliceElement.ElementValue as  DimensionElement).ElementName;
 excludedColumnElement.AddLevel((sliceElement.ElementValue as DimensionElement).Hierarchy.ElementName, (sliceElement.ElementValue as DimensionElement).Hierarchy.LevelElements[0].ElementName);
for (var i = 0; i < memberCollection.Count; i++)
 if (((sliceElement.ElementValue as DimensionElement).Hierarchy.LevelElements[0].MemberElements[0].UniqueName) != memberCollection[i].UniqueName)
                       excludedColumnElement.Hierarchy.LevelElements[(sliceElement.ElementValue as DimensionElement).Hierarchy.LevelElements[0].ElementName].Add(new MemberElement { UniqueName = memberCollection[i].UniqueName });
sliceElement.ExcludedElementValue = excludedColumnElement;
return dataManager;


Step 4:

You can call the previous method through the “InitializeClient” method. Refer to the following code snippet.

public Dictionary<string, object> InitializeClient(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
OlapDataManager DataManager = null;
DataManager.SetCurrentReport(CreateOlapReport((customData is Dictionary<string, object> && customData.ContainsKey("Report")) ? customData["Report"] : "", DataManager)); 
DataManager = excludeElements(DataManager);
return report;




I hope you enjoyed learning about how to filter level elements from slicer axis in JS Pivot Client.

You can refer to our JavaScript PivotGrid feature tour  page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations and documentation, and how to quickly get started for configuration specifications. You can also explore our JavaScript PivotGrid example to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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