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Deploying WindowsForms application built using Syncfusion components

2 mins read

In order to deploy an application that uses the Syncfusion assemblies, the referenced Syncfusion assemblies should reside in the application folder where the exe exists, in the target machine.

In order to do that, in the references tab in the Solution Explorer, select all the Syncfusion assemblies and then change the 'Copy Local' property of the Syncfusion assemblies to 'true' and compile the project.

Check that the licenses.licx file listed in the project has its 'Build Action' property to be 'Embedded Resource'.

Now you may see that the Syncfusion assemblies referenced in the project are copied to the output directory along with the application executable(bin/debug/).

Deploy the exe along with the Syncfusion assemblies found there to the target machine. Be sure that these Syncfusion assemblies resides in the same location as the application exe in the target machine.

Please note, for Windows Forms applications, placing these referenced Syncfusion assemblies in the GAC alone, in the target machine, will also work.

The following image clearly shows this setting.

CopyLocal settings.

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