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How to auto-populate tokens when control is loaded?

2 mins read

Step 1: Create an autocomplete control with a collection of names.

Step 2: Use the selected item property to auto-populate all the tokens when the control is loaded.


The following code demonstrates how to auto-populate tokens when Xamarin Autocomplete is loaded.




namespace SfAutoCompleteTokenSample
    public partial class MultiSelection : UIViewController
        SfAutoComplete tokenAutoComplete;
        private readonly IList<string> cultureList = new List<string>();
        ObservableCollection<ContactsInfo> contactsInfoCollection;
        public MultiSelection() : base("MultiSelection", null)
            tokenAutoComplete = new SfAutoComplete();
            tokenAutoComplete.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.Token;
            tokenAutoComplete.TokensWrapMode = TokensWrapMode.Wrap;
            contactsInfoCollection = new ContactsInfoCollection().GetContactDetails();
            tokenAutoComplete.DataSource = contactsInfoCollection;
            tokenAutoComplete.DisplayMemberPath = (NSString)"ContactName";
            tokenAutoComplete.ImageMemberPath = "ContactImage";
            tokenAutoComplete.ItemHeight = 60;
            tokenAutoComplete.SuggestionMode = SFAutoCompleteSuggestionMode.SFAutoCompleteSuggestionModeStartsWith;
            tokenAutoComplete.DropDownItemChanged += NativeAutoComplete_DropDownItemChanged;
            tokenAutoComplete.SelectedItem = new ContactsInfoCollection().GetContactDetails();
        UIView NativeAutoComplete_DropDownItemChanged(object sender, DropDownItemEventArgs e)
            UIView parentView = new UIView();
            SfAutoComplete auto = (sender as SfAutoComplete);
            parentView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, auto.Bounds.Width, auto.ItemHeight);
            UILabel titleLabel = new UILabel();
            titleLabel.Frame = new CGRect(30, 5, auto.Bounds.Width - 65, auto.ItemHeight / 2 - 5);
            titleLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left;
            var item = auto.DataSource.ElementAt((int)e.Index);
            var selectedObject = (item as ContactsInfo);
            titleLabel.Text = selectedObject.ContactName;
            e.View = parentView;
            return e.View;
        public void mainPageDesign()
            tokenAutoComplete.Frame = new CGRect(50, 110, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width - 60, 100);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
        public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning()
            // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
    public class ContactsInfo
        #region Fields
        private string contactName;
        #region Constructor
        public ContactsInfo()
        #region Public Properties
        public string ContactName
            get { return this.contactName; }
                this.contactName = value;
    public class ContactsInfoCollection
        #region Fields
        private Random random = new Random();
        #region Constructor
        public ContactsInfoCollection()
        #region Get Contacts Details
        public ObservableCollection<ContactsInfo> GetContactDetails()
            ObservableCollection<ContactsInfo> customerDetails = new ObservableCollection<ContactsInfo>();
            for (int i = 0; i < CustomerNames.Count(); i++)
                var details = new ContactsInfo()
                    ContactName = CustomerNames[i],
            return customerDetails;
        #region Contacts Information
        string[] CustomerNames = new string[]



The following screenshot illustrates auto-populating the tokens when control is loaded.

Auto-populating in Xamarin Autocomplete


Please find the sample from the below link:

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