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How to load the PDF file in PDF viewer using VB

2 mins read

The PDF document is loaded in the PDF viewer control using the load() method in client-side. The name, path, and base64 string of the PDF document is used to load the document. Refer to the following code.


var pdfviewer=$(“ #pdfviewer”).data(“ejPdfViewer”);
pdfviewer.load(“ HTTP Succinctly”);


Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports Syncfusion.EJ.PdfViewer
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.Http
Namespace PdfViewerWeb.WebApi
    Public Class PdfViewerController
        Inherits ApiController
        Public Function Load(ByVal jsonResult As Dictionary(Of String, String)) As Object
            Dim helper As PdfViewerHelper = New PdfViewerHelper()
            If jsonResult.ContainsKey("newFileName") Then
                Dim name = jsonResult("newFileName")
                Dim pdfName = name.ToString() & ".pdf"
                helper.Load(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Data/" & pdfName))
                If jsonResult.ContainsKey("isInitialLoading") Then
                    If jsonResult.ContainsKey("file") Then
                        Dim name = jsonResult("file")
                        helper.Load(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Data/HTTP Succinctly.pdf"))
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            Return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(helper.ProcessPdf(jsonResult))
        End Function
        Public Function FileUpload(ByVal jsonResult As Dictionary(Of String, String)) As Object
            Dim helper As PdfViewerHelper = New PdfViewerHelper()
            If jsonResult.ContainsKey("uploadedFile") Then
                Dim fileUrl = jsonResult("uploadedFile")
                Dim byteArray As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(fileUrl)
                Dim stream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(byteArray)
            End If
            Return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(helper.ProcessPdf(jsonResult))
        End Function
        Public Function Download(ByVal jsonResult As Dictionary(Of String, String)) As Object
            Dim helper As PdfViewerHelper = New PdfViewerHelper()
            Return helper.GetDocumentData(jsonResult)
        End Function
        Public Sub Unload()
            Dim helper As PdfViewerHelper = New PdfViewerHelper()
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


  • If the name of the PDF document is only passed as a parameter in the load() method, the PDF document must be available in the folder specified in the Load action method in the controller.
  • If the path of the PDF document is passed as a parameter in load() method, the following code should be used in the Load action method in the controller. 
    If jsonResult.ContainsKey("newFileName") Then
                    Dim name = jsonResult("newFileName")                
                    Dim pdfName = name.ToString()


You can download the working sample from PdfViewerWeb.Zip.

By executing the program, you will get the output as follows.

Pdf ViewerClicking the Load PDF document button will load the F# Succinctly.pdf document in PDF viewer.

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