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How do I upgrade to the latest version of Essential Suite?

1 min read

Way to upgrade to Essential suite latest version


Version is the release version of Essential Suite 3.0.  The simplest and the easist way to upgrade to is uninstall prior versions of Essential Suite and then delete the folders containing the older versions.

- Check the GAC to ensure that policy files from the previous versions are not present. To ensure everything is proper, delete all policy.syncfusion dlls and the syncfusion dlls from the GAC (C:\WINDOWS\assembly folder).

- Install the 3.0.1.x version. This article tells you how you can obtain keys for the 3.0 version of Essential Suite. Note that new keys are required for the 3.0 version.

- Run the Assembly Manager and choose the appropriate options. The Synchronize Tool Box option updates the VS.NET Tool Box.



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