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How to I set Custom Databinding in Chart?

3 mins read


We can bind the data using IChartSeriesModel interface. This interface requires the implementation of one property, two methods and one optional event. So, we easily provide a custom implementation of this interface.


//Creating series data and binding to the array model

ChartSeries series1 = this.chartControl1.Model.NewSeries("Series 1");

series1.SeriesIndexedModelImpl = new ArrayModel(new double[]{22,24,32,12,18});

series1.Type = ChartSeriesType.Bar;



'Creating series data and binding to the array model

Dim series1 As ChartSeries = Me.chartControl1.Model.NewSeries("Series 1")

series1.SeriesIndexedModelImpl = New ArrayModel(New Double(){22,24,32,12,18})

series1.Type = ChartSeriesType.Bar


This is illustrated in the Chart UG in this topic:

CustomData Binding

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