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How to bind a dataset to the chart?

1 min read


Using the ChartDataBindModel class we can bind the data from database.First the datasource is set followed by the setting of the XName and YNames properties of the ChartDataBindModel.The labels for the X axis are also loaded from the database using an implementation of the ChartDataBindAxisLabelModel class.


ChartDataBindModel model = null;

ChartDataBindAxisLabelModel xAxisLabelModel = null;

// A custom DataSet bound to the Demographics table

private ChartAccessDataBind.DataSet1 dataSet11;


model = new ChartDataBindModel(this.dataSet11,"Demographics");

// The column that contains the X values.

model.XName = "ID";

// The columns that contain the Y values.

model.YNames = new string[]{"Population"};

ChartSeries series = this.chartControl1.Model.NewSeries("Data Bound Series");

series.Text = series.Name;

series.SeriesModelImpl = model;

series.Style.TextColor = Color.White ;

series.Style.Font.Bold = true;


this.xAxisLabelModel = new ChartDataBindAxisLabelModel(this.dataSet11,"Demographics");

// The columns that has the label values for the corresponding X values.

this.xAxisLabelModel.LabelName = "City";

this.chartControl1.PrimaryXAxis.LabelsImpl = this.xAxisLabelModel;

this.chartControl1.PrimaryXAxis.ValueType = ChartValueType.Custom;


Dim model As ChartDataBindModel = Nothing

Dim xAxisLabelModel As ChartDataBindAxisLabelModel = Nothing

' A custom DataSet bound to the Demographics table

Private dataSet11 As ChartAccessDataBind.DataSet1


model = New ChartDataBindModel(Me.dataSet11,"Demographics")

' The column that contains the X values.

model.XName = "ID"

' The columns that contain the Y values.

model.YNames = New String(){"Population"}

Dim series As ChartSeries = Me.chartControl1.Model.NewSeries("Data Bound Series")

series.Text = series.Name

series.SeriesModelImpl = model

series.Style.TextColor = Color.White

series.Style.Font.Bold = True


Me.xAxisLabelModel = New ChartDataBindAxisLabelModel(Me.dataSet11,"Demographics")

' The columns that has the label values for the corresponding X values.

Me.xAxisLabelModel.LabelName = "City"

Me.chartControl1.PrimaryXAxis.LabelsImpl = Me.xAxisLabelModel

Me.chartControl1.PrimaryXAxis.ValueType = ChartValueType.Custom

This is illustrated in the Chart UG in this topic:


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