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How to add additional text box in the Upload box's dialog ?

2 mins read

To add additional fields to the Uploadbox’s dialog, override the internal _pushFileDetails method to include the new elements. The internal methods can be overridden as follows:


<script type="text/javascript"> 
    ej.Uploadbox.prototype._pushFileDetails = function (files) { 
         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


Render and add the header for the new textbox.


var addbox; 
addbox = $("<div class='e-file-head e-head-box'>Text</div>"); // adding header for the textbox 
$(addbox).appendTo(addedheading); // adding to the heading container element 


Then, create the textbox element with necessary class to provide styles.


addedfilebox = $("<div class='e-file-size e-file-view'><div class='e-file-box'><input class='e-filetxt' type='text' /></div>"); // creating textbox element 


Once it is created, append it to the container element.


$(addedfilebox).appendTo(addedlist); // appending to the container element 


Refer to the following combined code snippet.


<script type="text/javascript"> 
    ej.Uploadbox.prototype._pushFileDetails = function (files) { 
        var fileListDetails, addedFile, actionlist, i, action, me, diaObj, addedlist, addedheading, addname,addbox, addsize, addstatus, addaction, addedfilename, addedfilebox, addedfilestatus, addedfilesize, addedfileaction, filedialog, DialogContentContainer, dialogActions, fileListActions; 
        addedheading = $("<div class='e-head-content'></div>"); 
        addname = $("<div class='e-file-head e-head-name'>" + this._getLocalizedLabels("name") + "</div>"); 
        addbox = $("<div class='e-file-head e-head-box'>Text</div>"); // adding header for the textbox 
        addsize = $("<div class='e-file-head e-head-size'>" + this._getLocalizedLabels("size") + "</div>"); 
        addstatus = $("</div><div class='e-file-head e-head-status'>" + this._getLocalizedLabels("status") + "</div>"); 
        if ( $(addname).appendTo(addedheading); 
        $(addbox).appendTo(addedheading); // adding to the heading container element 
        if (this.model.customFileDetails.size) $(addsize).appendTo(addedheading); 
        if (this.model.customFileDetails.status) $(addstatus).appendTo(addedheading); 
        me = this; 
        filedialog = this.updialog; 
        if (filedialog && filedialog.length != 0) { 
            if (this.model.showFileDetails) { 
       != "" ? DialogContentContainer : DialogContentContainer = this.element; 
                if (this.updialog) this.updialog.find(".e-uploadbtn").removeAttr('disabled').removeClass('e-disable'); 
        } else { 
            this.updialog = ej.buildTag('div.e-uploaddialog#' + this.element[0].id + '_dialog', "", {}, { 'title':this._getLocalizedLabels("title") }); 
            if (this.model.allowDragAndDrop && !this.model.showBrowseButton) { 
                DialogContentContainer = "#" + + '_dragWrapper'; 
            else { 
       != "" ? DialogContentContainer = "#" + : DialogContentContainer =this.element; 
        var fileListDetails, addedFile; 
        fileListDetails = this.updialog.find(".e-ul"); 
        if ($(this.updialog.find(".e-head-content"))) 
        if (fileListDetails.length == 0) { 
            fileListDetails = ej.buildTag('ul.e-ul').appendTo(this.updialog); 
        if ($(this.updialog).find('.e-file-upload').length > 0) 
        fileListActions = ej.buildTag('div.e-file-upload').appendTo(this.updialog).append((this.model.autoUpload || !this.model.asyncUpload) ? $(ej.buildTag('div.e-action-container')).addClass("sync") : ej.buildTag('div.e-action-container')); 
        dialogActions = ej.buildTag('button.e-uploadclosebtn e-btn e-select', this._getLocalizedLabels("cancel"), {}, { type: 'button', "data-role": "none" }).appendTo($(this.updialog).find(".e-action-container")); 
        if (this.model.showRoundedCorner) 
        this._on(dialogActions, "click", this._dialogclose); 
        if (!this.model.multipleFilesSelection) { 
        addedFile = $("<li class='e-upload-file'></li>").appendTo(fileListDetails).data("file", files); 
        addedlist = $("<div class='e-file-list'></div>"); 
        addedfilename = $("<div class='e-file-progress e-file-view'><div class='e-file-name e-file-view'><span class='e-file-name-txt'>" + + "</span></div>"); 
        addedfilebox = $("<div class='e-file-size e-file-view'><div class='e-file-box'><input class='e-filetxt' type='text' /></div>"); // creating textbox element 
        addedfilesize = $("<div class='e-file-size e-file-view'><span class='e-file-name-txt'>" +this._formatSize(0) + "\\" + this._formatSize(files.size) + "</span></div>"); 
        addedfilestatus = $("<div class='e-file-percentage e-file-view'><div class='e-file-progress-bar'><div class='e-file-progress-status'></div></div></div>"); 
        addedfileaction = $("<div class='e-action-perform'><div class='e-icon e-file-view'></div></div></div>") 
        if ( $(addedfilename).appendTo(addedlist); 
        $(addedfilebox).appendTo(addedlist); // appending to the container element 
        if (this.model.customFileDetails.size) $(addedfilesize).appendTo(addedlist); 
        if (this.model.customFileDetails.status) $(addedfilestatus).appendTo(addedlist); 
        if (this.model.customFileDetails.action) $(addedfileaction).appendTo(addedlist); 
        var dialogContainer = (this.model.dialogAction.content != null && this.model.dialogAction.content != "") ?this.model.dialogAction.content : DialogContentContainer; 
        this.updialog.ejDialog({ showOnInit: false, closeIconTooltip: this._getLocalizedLabels("closeToolTip"), minWidth: 240, width: ($(window).width() < 750) ? 250 : this._getDialogContentWidth(), height: "auto", cssClass:"e-uploadbox " + this.model.cssClass, close: $.proxy(this._uploadFileListDelete, this), enableRTL:this.model.enableRTL, target: dialogContainer, enableResize: false, allowDraggable: this.model.dialogAction.drag, enableModal: this.model.asyncUpload ? this.model.dialogAction.modal : false, showHeader:this.model.customFileDetails.title, showRoundedCorner: this.model.showRoundedCorner }) 
        $(window).width() < 750 ? $(this.updialog).closest('.e-dialog.e-uploadbox').addClass("e-mobile-upload") : $(this.updialog).closest('.e-dialog.e-uploadbox').removeClass("e-mobile-upload"); 
        me.diaObj ="ejDialog"); 
        if (me.model.cssClass != "") 
            me.diaObj.setModel({ cssClass: "e-uploadbox " + this.model.cssClass }); 
        if (this.model.showFileDetails) { 
        return addedFile; 



The _pushFileDetails method can be overridden in the previous code.  Placing this code in the application will replace the default _ pushFileDetails method. The highlighted code is added in addition to the default code in the method.


Also, modify the existing styles to fit the textbox and apply some styling to blend the newly added text box in the Upload box’s dialog. Kindly refer to the following code snippet.

<style class="cssStyles"> 

/* Override the existing styles for the items in the dialog*/ 

    .e-uploadbox .e-head-name.e-uploadbox .e-head-status { 



    .e-uploadbox .e-file-progress { 



    .e-uploadbox .e-file-list .e-file-percentage { 




/* Provide styles for newly added textbox content*/ 

    .e-uploadbox .e-file-head.e-head-box { 



    .e-uploadbox .e-file-box { 



    .e-uploadbox .e-file-box .e-filetxt { 


        border4px solid black; 





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