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Where can I find the Syncfusion.Licensing.dll library

2 mins read

Where can I find the Syncfusion.Licensing.dll library


Syncfusion introduced a new licensing system to start the version 16.2.0.x release of Essential Studio. If you install the Syncfusion assemblies either from evaluation builds or NuGet feed with v16.2.0.x or later, refer to the Syncfusion.Licensing.dll and register the license key in your projects.

Get the Syncfusion.Licensing assembly from the following:

  • NuGet Packages

            Install the Syncfusion.Licensing NuGet package from NuGet Package Manager.

            NuGet feed link:

            Get Syncfusion.licensing NuGet package from

You can get also from Syncfusion Private NuGet Server


Till Syncfusion v16.4, NuGet packages were published in Starting from v17.1.0.32 (2018 Volume 1), Syncfusion will no longer publish NuGet packages at

  • Syncfusion Assemblies Installed location

If you have installed the Syncfusion installer except the Essential Studio Electron and PHP, you can get it from the following location.

Location: C:\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\{platform} \{version}\Assemblies\{framework-version}

           Get Syncfusion.licensing assembly from installed location

Refer to this documentation for more information about Syncfusion licensing.

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