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How to customise the back button in ImageEditor

1 min read

In ImageEditor we use Back button to navigate from second level sub menu to first level menu. By default,back button is rendered with default icon. We can also able to customize the back button by changing its icon and text.


Step 1: Create image editor sample with all necessary assemblies.


Please refer the below link to create a simple SfImageEditor sample along with the ways to configure it.


Step 2: Set text and Icon for back button using ToolbarSettings properties.


The following code snippet illustrates the way to this method,




public MainPage()
       imageeditor.Source =ImageSource.FromResource("ImageEditor_GettingStarted.Image.jpg");
       imageeditor.ToolbarSettings.BackButton.Text = "Go Back";
       imageeditor.ToolbarSettings.BackButton.Icon =ImageSource.FromResource                                                       


Screen Shot:


shape type

Sample Link:


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