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How to customize the header foreground of WinForms XPTaskBar while apply other than default style?

1 min read

Customize the header foreground

XPTaskBar ForeColor and BackColor appearance has been customized based on its Visual Style. Hence to use different Visual Style in XPTaskBar other than default, it is needed to enable property named UseCustomColors. The following code demonstrates the same.


this.xpTaskBar1.Style = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.XPTaskBarStyle.Metro;
XPTaskBarBox taskBarBox1 = new XPTaskBarBox();
taskBarBox1.HeaderForeColor = Color.Yellow;
taskBarBox1.HeaderBackColor = Color.FromArgb(17, 158, 218);
taskBarBox1.Text = "Header Text";
taskBarBox1.ItemBackColor = Color.White;
taskBarBox1.Items.Add(new XPTaskBarItem("Item 1", Color.Black, 0, "Tag1"));
taskBarBox1.Items.Add(new XPTaskBarItem("Item 2", Color.Black, 0, "Tag2"));
//To set Header fore color for the styles other than default
taskBarBox1.UseCustomColors = true;
XPTaskBarBox taskBarBox2 = new XPTaskBarBox();
taskBarBox2.HeaderBackColor = Color.FromArgb(17, 158, 218);
taskBarBox2.HeaderForeColor = Color.Lime;
taskBarBox2.Text = "Another Header Text";
taskBarBox2.ItemBackColor = Color.White;
taskBarBox2.Items.Add(new XPTaskBarItem("Item 3", Color.Black, 0, "Tag3"));
//To set Header fore color for the styles other than default
taskBarBox2.UseCustomColors = true;


Me.xpTaskBar1.Style = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.XPTaskBarStyle.Metro
Dim taskBarBox1 As New XPTaskBarBox()
taskBarBox1.HeaderForeColor = Color.Yellow
taskBarBox1.HeaderBackColor = Color.FromArgb(17, 158, 218)
taskBarBox1.Text = "Header Text"
taskBarBox1.ItemBackColor = Color.White
taskBarBox1.Items.Add(New XPTaskBarItem("Item 1", Color.Black, 0, "Tag1"))
taskBarBox1.Items.Add(New XPTaskBarItem("Item 2", Color.Black, 0, "Tag2"))
'To set Header fore color for the styles other than default
taskBarBox1.UseCustomColors = True
Dim taskBarBox2 As New XPTaskBarBox()
taskBarBox2.HeaderBackColor = Color.FromArgb(17, 158, 218)
taskBarBox2.HeaderForeColor = Color.Lime
taskBarBox2.Text = "Another Header Text"
taskBarBox2.ItemBackColor = Color.White
taskBarBox2.Items.Add(New XPTaskBarItem("Item 3", Color.Black, 0, "Tag3"))
'To set Header fore color for the styles other than default
taskBarBox2.UseCustomColors = True


Show changed header foreground



C#:  XPTaskBarSample

VB: XPTaskBarSample

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