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How to add toggle button inside the DropDownButton popup

1 min read

This knowledge base explains how to add toggle button inside the DropDownButton popup.


It can be achieved by using ‘beforeItemRender event and the toggle state of button can be changed using the ‘select’ event. By default, DropDownButton popup will be closed on item click and it has been prevented using ‘beforeClose event.


In the below code example, the toggle button ‘Log In/Log Out’ added inside DropDownButton popup and button toggle state is maintained while performing open/close popup.



<button ejs-dropdownbutton [items]="items" (beforeItemRender)="itemRender($event)" (select)="select($event)"(beforeClose)="beforeClose($event)" content="Account"></button>  



import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
import { DropDownButtonComponent, ItemModel, MenuEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-ng-splitbuttons'; 
import { createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base'; 
    selector: 'my-app', 
    templateUrl: './app.component.html', 
    styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] 
export class AppComponent { 
    //DropDownButton items definition 
    public items: ItemModel[] = [ 
          text: 'Dashboard', 
          text: 'Notifications', 
          text: 'User Settings', 
          text: 'Log In', 
    public toggleElem: any = createElement('button', { className: 'e-btn', id: "loginBtnElem", innerHTML: "Log In", styles:"width:100%" }); 
    public itemRender(args: MenuEventArgs) { 
        //To customize the item 
        if (args.item.text == "Log In") { 
            args.element.innerText = ""; 
    public select(args: MenuEventArgs) { 
        // To change the button state and text on select 
        if (args.item.text == "Log In") { 
            if (args.element.children[0].classList.contains('e-active')) { 
                args.element.children[0].innerHTML = 'Log Out'; 
            else { 
                args.element.children[0].innerHTML = 'Log In'; 
    public beforeClose(args) { 
        //To prevent popup closing when item clicked 
        if ( == "loginBtnElem") 
            args.cancel = true; 
            this.toggleElem = document.getElementById("loginBtnElem").cloneNode(true); 


Demo Sample


The following output displays the result of adding toggle button in DropDownButton popup.




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