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How to highlight the text while it end with some specific character?

1 min read

We can customize the color of line if it is end with specific character. It can be achieved by setting the lexem in custom config file.



It contains rules for parsing the text. There are two attributes to specify the format of the lexem.


  1. Type: Type is used for standard predefined types of the lexems.
  2. FormatName: The FormatName is used only when Type is Custom.


Here we have highlighted the line if end with “!” character. The following code demonstrates the same.



<!-- Configuaration -->


<ConfigLanguage name="new" CaseInsensitive="true">




<!-- Highlight color -->


<format name="String" Font="Courier New, 13pt, style=Bold" FontColor="Green" />












<!-- Set the Required Highlight format -->


<lexem BeginBlock="[A-z\s]+\!" IsBeginRegex="true"  Type="String"/>






<split IsRegex="true">[A-z\s]+\!</split>








//Define config file path
private string configPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\..\\..\\Config.xml";
public Form1()
editControl1.Text = "Hello World!" + Environment.NewLine + "Welcome" + Environment.NewLine + "Have a Good Day!";
// External configuration file.
// Apply the configuration defined in the configuration file.




Showing different format of text in EditControl


Sample: SyntaxEditorSample


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