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How to convert a secured webpage to pdf using .NET PDF in WinForms?

1 min read


We can convert the authenticate webpages as PDF by passing its username and password as arguments to the HtmlConverter.

Here are some code snippet


using (System.Drawing.Image img = html.ConvertToImage(this.TextBox1.Text, ImageType.Metafile, (int)width, -1, AspectRatio.KeepWidth,"UserName","Password"))


if (img != null)


PdfMetafile metafile = (PdfMetafile)PdfImage.FromImage(img);

PdfMetafileLayoutFormat format = new PdfMetafileLayoutFormat();

format.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage;

format.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate;

doc.PageSettings.Height = img.Height;

format.SplitTextLines = false;

metafile.Draw(page, new RectangleF(0, 0, pageSize.Width, -1), format);



Response.Write("Warning ! Please check the HTML link");



Using img As System.Drawing.Image = html.ConvertToImage(Me.TextBox1.Text, ImageType.Metafile, CInt(Fix(width)), -1, AspectRatio.KeepWidth,"UserName","Password")

If Not img Is Nothing Then

Dim metafile As PdfMetafile = CType(PdfImage.FromImage(img), PdfMetafile)

Dim format As PdfMetafileLayoutFormat = New PdfMetafileLayoutFormat()

format.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage

format.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate

doc.PageSettings.Height = img.Height

format.SplitTextLines = False

metafile.Draw(page, New RectangleF(0, 0, pageSize.Width, -1), format)


Response.Write("Warning ! Please check the HTML link")

End If

End Using

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