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How to hide the close button of document window in SfDockingManager?

1 min read

We can change the visibility of close button in document window of SfDockingManager with below list of types. This can be changed by set the CloseButtonType of DocumentTabControlStyle in SfDockingManager.


  1. Both
  2. Common
  3. Extended
  4. Individual
  5. Hide
  6. IndividualOnMouseOver


Common: It will display the close button on right corner of document tab header panel. It closes the tabs based on the selected item.


Code Example: [Xaml]


    <Style TargetType="Layout:DocumentTabControl">
     <Setter Property="CloseButtonType" Value="Common">





Graphical user interface, text, application, email


Both: It will display the close button on each individual document tab items and common close button for all document window.


Code Example: [Xaml]


    <Style TargetType="Layout:DocumentTabControl">
     <Setter Property="CloseButtonType" Value="Both">





Graphical user interface



Hide: It hide the close button of all document tabs.


Code Example: [Xaml]


    <Style TargetType="Layout:DocumentTabControl">
     <Setter Property="CloseButtonType" Value="Hide">





Graphical user interface, text, application


Individual: It will display the close button of all document tabs.


Code Example: [Xaml]


    <Style TargetType="Layout:DocumentTabControl">
     <Setter Property="CloseButtonType" Value="Individual">




Graphical user interface, application


IndividualOnMouseOver: It will display the close button when mouse hover the document tab.


Code Example: [Xaml]


  <Style TargetType="Layout:DocumentTabControl">
    <Setter Property="CloseButtonType" Value="IndividualOnMouseOver">



Graphical user interface


Extended: It will display the close button for active document tab and mouse hover document tab.


Code Example: [Xaml]


  <Style TargetType="Layout:DocumentTabControl">
    <Setter Property="CloseButtonType" Value="Extended">


Graphical user interface




Sample:  DocumentWindow_CloseButton_Type










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