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How to load more items in upward direction automatically when reaching the top of the list?

2 mins read

SfListView allows you to load more items at the top of the list automatically when reaching the Header item by using the HeaderItem.Visibility property. Show the busy indicator until the items are added into the collection as like below code example.



<sync:SfListView x:Name="ListView" IsBusy="True" 
            ItemsSource="{Binding Messages}" AutoFitMode="Height">
                            <sync:LoadMoreIndicator Color="Red" IsRunning="True" IsVisible="{Binding IndicatorIsVisible}"/>


Insert each new item in the zeroth position of the underlying collection which is bound to the SfListView.ItemsSource property. When the collection gets modified, the ScrollViewer scrolls to the top of the list. Using ScrollToRowIndex method scroll back to the previous item index as like below.



public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        MainPageViewModel ViewModel;
        VisualContainer visualContainer;
        public bool isScrolled;
        HeaderItem headerItem;
        public MainPage()
            ViewModel = new MainPageViewModel();
            BindingContext = ViewModel;
            ViewModel.ListView = this.ListView;
            ListView.Loaded += ListView_Loaded;
            visualContainer = ListView.GetVisualContainer();
        private void HeaderItem_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
                if (headerItem.Visibility && isScrolled)
        private async void LoadMoreOnTop()
            //To get the current first item which is visible in the View.
            var firstItem = ListView.DataSource.DisplayItems[0];
            ViewModel.IndicatorIsVisible = true;
            await Task.Delay(4000);
            var r = new Random();
            //To avoid layout calls for arranging each and every items to be added in the View. 
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var collection = new Message();
                collection.Text = ViewModel.MessageText[r.Next(0, ViewModel.MessageText.Count() - 1)];
                collection.IsIncoming = i % 2 == 0 ? true : false;
                collection.MessagDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                ViewModel.Messages.Insert(0, collection);
            var firstItemIndex = ListView.DataSource.DisplayItems.IndexOf(firstItem);
            var header = (ListView.HeaderTemplate != null && !ListView.IsStickyHeader) ? 1 : 0;
            var totalItems = firstItemIndex + header;
            //Need to scroll back to previous position else the ScrollViewer moves to top of the list.
            ListView.LayoutManager.ScrollToRowIndex(totalItems, true);
            ViewModel.IndicatorIsVisible = false;
        private void ListView_Loaded(object sender, Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ListViewLoadedEventArgs e)
            //To avoid loading items initially when page loaded.
            if (!isScrolled)
                (ListView.LayoutManager as LinearLayout).ScrollToRowIndex(ViewModel.Messages.Count - 1, true);
            headerItem = visualContainer.Children[0] as HeaderItem;
            headerItem.PropertyChanged += HeaderItem_PropertyChanged;
            isScrolled = true;



Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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