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Execute CRUD Stored Procedure calls using Syncfusion Data Integration Platform.

2 mins read


This ar­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ticle explains how to execute the stored procedure calls with crude operation statements in the SQL database using the Syncfusion Data Integration.




The ExecuteProcess processor is used in the Syncfusion Data Integration Platform for executing the stored procedure calls.   


Example Dataflow for Executing Stored Procedure Call using ExecuteProcess Processor



The following table is used in this sample:

Source table name: Tips



Update the size column mentioned in the following table and store the updated columns into new table.


Destination table name: UpdatedTips




List of processors used in this sample





Executes the stored procedure query and its resultant data will be transferred in to flowfile.


Replaces the unwanted content in the incoming flow file.

Split Text

Creates the stored procedure query and its status will be transferred in to flowfile.

Extract Text

Converts the AVRO format incoming data into JSON format.


Calls the stored procedure query and its resultant data will be transferred in to flowfile.


Forms the insert query from the incoming flowfile.


Inserts the fetched data into the SQL database.


ExecuteProcess Processor


This processor will execute the Stored Procedure query using the SQL cmd utility and its resultant data will be transferred in to flowfile.



Command: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE

Command Arguments: -S localhost -U labuser -P coolcomp@123 -d testSample -i E:\DIP_New\Knowledge_Base\Stored_procedure\Execute_Procedure.sql -s "&"


Refer below link for more details


ReplaceText Processor


This processor will process the generated flowfile and replace the invalid lines in the incoming flowfile content (including column header and special characters) using the regex expression \([^*]+[-]{3,}.

SplitText Processor


This processor will process the flowfile and split each line of its content into separate flowfile.




ExtractText Processor


This processor will check regular expression against the flowfile content and if it is satisfied, then it will assign the content into the flowfile attribute.



RouteOnAttribute Processor  


This processor checks each flowfile attribute of the valid content.




It will transfer the success flowfiles, if the given property with following expression matches with its incoming flowfile attribute.


validrow: ${input.row.1:getDelimitedField(1):contains('rows affected'):equals(false)}



ReplaceText Processor             


This processor will replace the content of the flowfile using user defined SQL command.



SQL Query:

INSERT INTO [testSample].[dbo].[updatedTips] VALUES (${input.row.1:getDelimitedField(1,'&')},'${input.row.1:trim():getDelimitedField(2,'&')}','${input.row.1:trim():getDelimitedField(3,'&')}','${input.row.1:trim():getDelimitedField(4,'&')}','${input.row.1:trim():getDelimitedField(5,'&')}',${input.row.1:trim():getDelimitedField(6,'&')})


PutSql Processor


This processor will execute the command from flowfile content and insert data into another table.



Destination table: UpdatedTips



Limitations of Executing the stored procedure call in ExecuteProcess Processor


  • To perform the crude operation using stored procedure call, both the SQL Server and Syncfusion Data Integration platform should be installed in the same machine.
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