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Grid exists in both Syncfusion.EJ.Web dll's

1 min read


Message the error de-compiler: CS0433: The type 'Grid' exists in both 'Syncfusion.EJ.Web, Version=14.4460.0.15, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89' and 'Syncfusion.EJ.Web, Version=14.4451.0.15, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89'.



The mentioned issue will reproduced when we referred different version of Syncfusion.EJ.Web DLL more than one location.



1. Clear the bin and object folder of the sample.

2. We need to referred the same version of Syncfusion.EJ.Web DLL in both assemblies, namespace section of web.config file and Main page.


Web.config file:

                        Fig 1: check namespace and assembly version in Webconfig

Main Page:

                                          Fig 2: check namespace and assembly version in aspx page.



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