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How to customise the token in AutoComplete

2 mins read

 Auto complete provides support for customizing tokens when selecting multiple items.


To customize tokens :


Step 1:   Add the required assemblies to get the view of AutoComplete.

Step 2: Set the MultiSelectMode to Token. Token representation consists of two modes to wrap the selected items. They are Wrap and None.


  • Wrap - When `TokensWrapMode` is set to `Wrap` the selected items will be wrap to the next line of the SfAutoComplete.
  • None - When `TokensWrapMode` is set to `None` the selected item will be wrap in horizontal orientation.


Step 3: We can customise the token with various properties associated with it. The below are the list of properties that are used for customizing the tokens.


  • FontFamily -  sets the Font family for the text inside the token.


  • BackgroundColor - sets the background color of the token.


  • SelectedBackgroundColor - sets the background color of the token when it is selected.


  • IsCloseButtonVisible - Enables and disables the close button inside SfAutoComplete.


  • DeleteButtonColor - sets the color of the close button inside SfAutoComplete.


  • CornerRadius - sets the corner radius for the token
  • FontSize – sets the Text size for the topken



Step 4: Create the instance for TokenSettings class and enable the above properties for customizing the tokens on it.


The following code illustrates how to achieve this method.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
xmlns:local="clr-namespace:autocomplete" x:Class="autocomplete.autocompletePage">
  <StackLayout VerticalOptions="Start" HorizontalOptions="Start" Padding="30">
    <autocomplete:SfAutoComplete HeightRequest="40" x:Name="autoComplete" DropDownItemHeight="50" DisplayMemberPath="Name" ImageMemberPath="Image" MultiSelectMode="Token" TokensWrapMode="Wrap" DataSource="{Binding EmployeeCollection}">



namespace autocomplete
public partial class autocompletePage : ContentPage
    EmployeeViewModel vm = new EmployeeViewModel();
    public autocompletePage()
        TokenSettings tokensetting = new TokenSettings();
        tokensetting.FontSize = 16;
        tokensetting.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#d3d3d3");
        tokensetting.TextColor = Color.Red;
        tokensetting.SelectedBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#ffffe0");
        tokensetting.DeleteButtonColor = Color.Brown;
        tokensetting.IsCloseButtonVisible = true;
        tokensetting.CornerRadius = 3;
        autoComplete.TokenSettings = tokensetting;
        this.BindingContext = vm;
public class Employee
    private string image;
    public string Image
        get { return image; }
        set { image = value; }
    private string name;
    public string Name
        get { return name; }
        set { name = value; }
public class EmployeeViewModel
    private ObservableCollection<Employee> employeeCollection;
    public ObservableCollection<Employee> EmployeeCollection
        get { return employeeCollection; }
        set { employeeCollection = value; }
    public EmployeeViewModel()
        employeeCollection = new ObservableCollection<Employee>();
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "a0.png", Name = "John" });
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "a1.png", Name = "James" });
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "a2.png", Name = "Jacob" });
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "a3.png", Name = "Joy" });
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "a4.png", Name = "Justin" });
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "a5.png", Name = "Jerome" });
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "b0.png", Name = "Jessica" });
        employeeCollection.Add(new Employee() { Image = "b1.png", Name = "Victoria" });



Image after customizing token:




  C:\Users\prabhakaran.palanisa\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 2.49.02 PM.PNG




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