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How to perform CRUD operation on ASP.NET Core Schedule?

6 mins read

The following steps shows the way to perform CRUD operation on appointments present within ASP.NET Core Schedule.


Step 1:  Create a schedule default sample using this link and bind the appointment data through URL as below code.

<ej-schedule id="Schedule1" width="100%" height="525px" current-date="new DateTime(2014, 12, 5)">

    <e-appointment-settings apply-time-offset="false" id="Id" subject='"Subject"' start-time='"StartTime"' end-time='"EndTime"' all-day='"AllDay"' recurrence='"Recurrence"' recurrence-rule='"RecurrenceRule"'>

        <e-datamanager url="Home/GetData" crud-url="Home/Batch" adaptor="UrlAdaptor"></e-datamanager>




Step 2: Define the GetData and Batch function in controller page to retrieve the appointments initially from database and to handle the CRUD operations respectively.

public List<DefaultSchedule> GetData()



            List<DefaultSchedule> datas = _context.DefaultSchedule.Take(500).ToList();

            return datas;



        public List<DefaultSchedule> Batch([FromBody] EditParams param)


            if (param.action == "insert" || (param.action == "batch" && (param.added.Count>0))) // this block of code will execute while inserting the appointments


                DefaultSchedule appoint = new DefaultSchedule();

                object result;

                if (param.action == "insert")


                    var value = param.value;

                    foreach (var fieldName in value.GetType().GetProperties())


                        var newName = fieldName.ToString().Split(null);

                        if (newName[1] == "Id") result = (_context.DefaultSchedule.ToList().Count > 0 ? _context.DefaultSchedule.ToList().Max(p => p.Id) : 1) + 1;

                        else if (newName[1] == "StartTime" || newName[1] == "EndTime") result = Convert.ToDateTime(fieldName.GetValue(value));

                        else result = fieldName.GetValue(value);

                        fieldName.SetValue(appoint, result);






                    foreach (var item in param.added.Select((x, i) => new { Value = x, Index = i }))


                        var value = item.Value;

                        foreach (var fieldName in value.GetType().GetProperties())


                            var newName = fieldName.ToString().Split(null);

                            if (newName[1] == "Id") result = (_context.DefaultSchedule.ToList().Count > 0 ? _context.DefaultSchedule.ToList().Max(p => p.Id) : 1) + 1 + item.Index;

                            else if (newName[1] == "StartTime" || newName[1] == "EndTime") result = Convert.ToDateTime(fieldName.GetValue(value));

                            else result = fieldName.GetValue(value);

                            fieldName.SetValue(appoint, result);







            if ((param.action == "remove") || (param.action == "batch" && (param.deleted.Count > 0))) // this block of code will execute while removing the appointment


                if (param.action == "remove")


                    DefaultSchedule app = _context.DefaultSchedule.Where(c => c.Id == Convert.ToInt32(param.key)).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (app != null) _context.DefaultSchedule.Remove(app);




                    foreach (var a in param.deleted)


                        var app = _context.DefaultSchedule.ToList().Where(c => c.Id == Convert.ToInt32(a.Id)).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (app != null) _context.DefaultSchedule.Remove(app);





            if (param.action == "update" || (param.action == "batch" && (param.changed.Count > 0))) // this block of code will execute while updating the appointment


                var value = param.action == "update" ? param.value : param.changed[0];

                var filterData = _context.DefaultSchedule.Where(c => c.Id == Convert.ToInt32(value.Id));

                if (filterData.Count() > 0)


                    DefaultSchedule appoint = _context.DefaultSchedule.Single(A => A.Id == Convert.ToInt32(value.Id));

                    appoint.StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(value.StartTime);

                    appoint.EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(value.EndTime);

                    appoint.Subject = value.Subject;

                    appoint.Recurrence = value.Recurrence;

                    appoint.AllDay = value.AllDay;

                    appoint.RecurrenceRule = value.RecurrenceRule;




            List<DefaultSchedule> datas = _context.DefaultSchedule.Take(500).ToList();

            return datas;






Run the above sample and the CRUD operations of appointments on the scheduler will reflect successfully on database.


I hope you enjoyed learning how to perform CRUD operation on ASP.NET Core Schedule.

You can refer to our ASP.NET Core Schedule feature tour page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations and documentation, and how to quickly get started for configuration specifications. You can also explore our ASP.NET Core Schedule example to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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