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Bring the nodes into the view without scrolling the diagram

1 min read

In diagram control, we have a built-in support to bring the node into the view without scrolling the diagram. The following methods are used to bring the nodes into the view without scrolling the diagram.


The Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Controller’s “BringToView()” method is used to bring the given bounding rectangle area as viewable in the diagram. where, we need to pass the bounds area as a parameter.








The Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Controller’s “BringToCenter()” method is used to bring the given bounding rectangle area as center of the diagram’ view. Here, we need to send the needed bounds area as a parameter. Please refer to the below code example.








Also we can bring the particular/selected node into the view without scrolling the diagram by using Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.View’s “ScrollToNode()”  method. Please refer to the below code example. 


diagram1.View.ScrollToNode (diagram1.View.SelectionList[0]);



diagram1.View.ScrollToNode (diagram1.View.SelectionList(0))


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