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What are all the keyboard shortcuts available in WinForms HTMLUIControl?

2 mins read

Shortcut keys

The HTMLUI control supports the use of the following keyboard shortcut keys,

  • Ctrl+A - Select all the text available in the document, displayed in the control.
  • Ctrl+F - Open the search dialog box to find the occurrences of a specified text in the document, displayed in the control.
  • Tab - Focus the next control in the document based on its tab index.
  • Shift+Tab - Focus the previously focused control in the document based on its tab index.
  • Enter - Tries to open a link if it is currently focused.
  • SpaceBar - Click the button, Check the CheckBox or RadioButton if they are focused.
  • ArrowKeys - Shift the focus between the controls in the document displayed in the HTMLUI control.

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