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Rendering ejangular directives using ng-repeat

1 min read

We can use AngularJS directive ng-repeat to iterate data with ejangular directive rendering. With this scenario AngularJS does not compile expressions ({{data}}) before ejangular directives rendering. So, we can’t access the compiled data with ejangular directives.

Since need to compile AngularJS expressions manually to render ejangular directives with ng-repeat. To do that define AngularJS custom directive called ejcompile to compile expressions. Use the below code snippet for ejcompile directive.


angular.module('syncApp', ['ejangular', 'samplecontrol'])

            .directive('ejcompile', function ($compile, $interpolate) {

                return {

                    restrict: 'EA',

                    replace: true,

                    compile: function ($scope, $elm, $attrs) {

                        return {

                            pre: function ($scope, $elm, $attrs) {

                                let html = $interpolate($elm.html())($scope);










After defining ejcompile directive, add this custom directive in parent tag of  ejangular directive. Refer to the below code snippet.


<div ng-repeat="i in ['WARN','SUCCESS','ERROR']" style="margin-left: 20px; display: inline-table">

            <div ejcompile>

                <button id="button_{{i}}" ej-button e-text={{i}}></button>





In the above example, the ej-button directive will be rendered with compiled expressions (ID attribute appended with ng-repeat array values) as like the below



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