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How to copy a text selected in WinForms HTMLUIControl to the ClipBoard?

1 min read

Copy the text to clipboard

The text displayed in the HTMLUI control can be selected and accessed with the help of the SelectedText property of the HTMLUI control.

The ClipBoard class from the System.Windows.Forms namespace is used for copying the text to the ClipBoard.

The SetDataObject method is used to place the data on the ClipBoard. The user can also specify whether the data should remain on the ClipBoard even after the application exits.


//select some text displayed in the HTMLUI control
string selectedText = this.htmluiControl1.SelectedText;
if(selectedText != "")
    //Copying the selected text to the ClipBoard
    Clipboard.SetDataObject(selectedText, true);
    Console.WriteLine("This text can be pasted anywhere from the ClipBoard");



'select some text displayed in the HTMLUI control
Private selectedText As String = Me.htmluiControl1.SelectedText
If selectedText <> "" Then
    'Copying the selected text to the ClipBoard
    Clipboard.SetDataObject(selectedText, True)
    Console.WriteLine("This text can be pasted anywhere from the ClipBoard")
End If


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