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How to get the changed HTML Text of a document loaded in the WinForms HTMLUIControl and modified during runtime?

1 min read

Change the HTML text

The HTMLUI control's Text property is used to access the HTML text parsed and loaded in the HTMLUI control initially.

The htmluiControl1.Document.Document.OuterXml property is used to get the new HTML text of the document after being modified in the HTMLUI control at runtime.

The htmluiControl1.Document is the parsed and displays document in the HTMLUI control.

The htmluiControl1.Document.Document is the output XML document that is to be updated with the changes in the HTML text in the current document at run time.

The htmluiControl1.Document.Document.OuterXml gets the markup string of the parent node of all the XML elements in the document including the child nodes.


//Accessing the changed HTML text
string newHTML = this.htmluiControl1.Document.Document.OuterXml.ToString();



'Accessing the changed HTML text
Private newHTML As String = Me.htmluiControl1.Document.Document.OuterXml.ToString()


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