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How to update Syncfusion versions in Syncfusion Web applications by manually?

3 mins read


Currently, Syncfusion provides Visual Studio Extension as Syncfusion Web Conversion and Migration to upgrade/downgrade the Syncfusion release versions in web applications. Please refer to the following user guide links to know more about Syncfusion Project Migration Visual Studio Extension:

In some specific projects (like 3rd party project templates, different web.config structure, modified project structure), migration process may fail by Project Migration extension. So, please follow the given steps to upgrade/downgrade Syncfusion version in Syncfusion Web applications manually:

1.Update Syncfusion Assemblies 


From your Syncfusion Web application, get the referred Syncfusion assemblies list, and remove the existing Syncfusion references. Then, add the corresponding Syncfusion assemblies with the required Syncfusion version. You can get the required Syncfusion assemblies from the following Syncfusion Essential Studio setup installed location:
Location: {Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{Build Version}\Assemblies (or) {Drive}\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{Build Version}\precompiledassemblies\{Build Version}  

For E.g: C:\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Assemblies (or) C:\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\precompiledassemblies\ 

Syncfusion Essential Studio setup installed location

For ASP.NET Core Platform


The ASP.NET Core platform projects have direct NuGet references, by default. So, you can update the Syncfusion related NuGet references by following the steps mentioned in the link: 
Corresponding version Syncfusion ASP.NET Core NuGet packages are shipped in the Syncfusion Essential Studio setup installed location. You can get and update the required NuGet packages from the following location:
Location: {Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{Build Version}\ NuGetPackages
For E.g: {Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\NuGetPackages

2. Update Syncfusion JavaScript Assets

You can get and update the required Syncfusion Scripts and CSS files in your application in the following ways.

Syncfusion setup installed location

You can get the required Syncfusion Scripts and CSS files in your application from the following Syncfusion setup installed location. Once you navigate to this location, you can get the corresponding version scripts and CSS, and replace it in your required project location:

Location: {Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{Build Version}\JavaScript\assets  
For E.g: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\JavaScript\assets

Specific version Scripts and Css file from installed location


No need to make any master/view file reference changes for Syncfusion Scripts and CSS files references path, if you have updated the modified Script/CSS in the same location of existing Syncfusion assets in your application.


Syncfusion CDN Updates


If you referred the Syncfusion JavaScript assets from CDN link directly, you can update the corresponding Syncfusion version manually in master/view pages of the application. Find the following screenshot for reference:

Syncfusion Script and CSS files CDN link version changes in Master/View pages

Syncfusion Bower

ASP.NET Core application is referred Bower packages, by default. So, if you are using Syncfusion Bower packages in your web application, you can get the more details about upgrading packages to latest or specific version in the following user guide link:
You can check Syncfusion Assets after installation/update of Syncfusion Bower package in your application under lib folder.
Syncfusion Bower package

3. Web.Config entries changes

Once you updated the assemblies to required Syncfusion version, you should update the same version of the assembly in the Web.Confg file of your application. ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC applications have web.config, by default.

For ASP.NET Platform
Syncfusion assembly version changes in Web.Config file for MVC

For ASP.NET MVC Platform
Syncfusion assembly version changes in Web.Config file for ASP.NET

4. Update WCF and WEBAPI files

If you referred the Syncfusion WCF/WEBAPI files in our web application, you should update the same to corresponding Syncfusion version. You can get the required Syncfusion WCF/WEBAPI files in our application from the following Syncfusion Essential Studio setup installed location. Refer to the following locations to navigate the WCF and WEBAPI files for required version:


{Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ {Build Version} \Utilities\Sample Creator\ASP.NET MVC\Resources\WCF_C#

{Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ {Build Version} \Utilities\Sample Creator\ASP.NET MVC\Resources\WCF_VB

For Ex

C:\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Utilities\Sample Creator\ASP.NET MVC\Resources\WCF_C#

Syncfusion WCF files from Installed Location


{Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ {Build Version} \Utilities\Sample Creator\ASP.NET MVC\Resources\ WebAPI_C#

{Drive}\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ {Build Version} \Utilities\Sample Creator\ASP.NET MVC\Resources\ WebAPI_VB

For Ex

C:\Program Files (x86) \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Utilities\Sample Creator\ASP.NET MVC\Resources\ WebAPI_C#

Syncfusion WEBAPI files from Installed Location


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