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How to resolve path too long exception while running Xamarin samples?

1 min read

How to resolve path too long exception while running Xamarin samples?

When running Xamarin samples, it did not build and System.IO.PathTooLongException message was shown, until the Essential Studio v15.3.0.33. This was due to NuGet packages that were restored in a path exceeding 260 characters. This can also happen when the files created while building the application in bin/obj folder exceeds 260 characters. Do the following to overcome this issue:

Copy the Xamarin samples folder to a shorter path:

If Xamarin samples have already been installed in a lengthy path, copy the Xamarin samples folder to a shorter path as follows, and then run the samples. 


Xamarin samples folder path

Eg: C:\Samples\

This issue has been resolved by changing the Xamarin samples installation path to a shorter path (Public Documents folder), and the fix will be included in the upcoming releases (after v15.3.0.33) 


Eg: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Syncfusion\{version}\Xamarin


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