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How to resolve package restore failure while migrating Syncfusion ASP.NET Core application?

1 min read

The Syncfusion ASP.NET Core application will get the following error message while migrating the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core application from Syncfusion Migration Visual Studio Extension.

Package restore issue while migrate ASP.NET Core application via Syncfusion Migration

When updating the NuGet packages from the application, it getting failed with Package restore if mentioned corresponding version package does not available in NuGet cache location. Also, we can get this same issue from our Project Migration utility when migrating the application to another version along with Syncfusion ASP.NET Core NuGet packages which is referred in the application is not available in the NuGet cache location.

This issue can be resolved by configure the online Syncfusion NuGet feed link in your Visual Studio before migrating the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core application if the specific Syncfusion NuGet version (mentioned in project before migration) packages not available in NuGet cache location.

Perform the steps from the below User Guide to configure the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core NuGet feed in your Visual Studio.


Make sure whether default NuGet source has been configured in NuGet package Manager.


Configure the Syncfusion ASP.NET Core NuGet feed and in your Visual Studio


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