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Using Essential JavaScript (EJ) controls with Visualforce

2 mins read

Visualforce is the component-based user interface framework for the platform by Syncfusion JavaScript components can be used to create attractive user interfaces within Visualforce. This article provides step by step instructions for creating a sample application hosted in Visualforce and using EJ controls.


Step 1: Create HTML application using EJ controls


Create an application using Syncfusion JavaScript controls.

Make sure that all HTML tags are closed. 

In the below link, HTML app for Customer Support Analysis can be downloaded. In this sample, we have used ejGrid and ejChart controls.

It includes HTML app and modified HTML file to be embedded with Visualforce page (Static files are referred from Static Resources).


Step 2: Make changes in EJ angular directives to make controls workable within Visualforce page


Consider the below code snippet of ejGrid. The attribute directives ej-grid, e-columns and e-column are needed for rendering the grid control. Since, the attributes are not assigned with any value, when you paste this code into Visualforce page, it will throw invalid markup exception.

<div id="PortoTopRepresentativeGrid" e-datasource="TopRepresentativeGridData" ej-grid e-allowpaging="true" e-allowsorting="true" e-isresponsive="true" e-enableresponsiverow="true">

<div e-columns>

<div e-column e-field="RepresentativeName" e-headertext="Name" e-textalign="center"></div>

<div e-column e-field="AverageResolutionTime" e-headertext="Time" e-textalign="center"></div>





So, as the below snippet, assign some dummy value for those attributes.

<div id="PortoTopRepresentativeGrid" e-datasource="TopRepresentativeGridData" ej-grid='te' e-allowpaging="true" e-allowsorting="true" e-isresponsive="true" e-enableresponsiverow="true">

<div e-columns='t'>

<div e-column='t' e-field="RepresentativeName" e-headertext="Name" e-textalign="center"></div>

<div e-column='t' e-field="AverageResolutionTime" e-headertext="Time" e-textalign="center"></div>





Step 3: Upload HTML app dependencies (CSS, JS, Images) into Static Resources


There are two ways we can refer static resources in Visualforce pages,                                             

  1. Give CDN link for the resources - We can refer the direct online link
  2. Upload all static files needed for application into Static Resources


Steps to upload files,

  1. Create archive file (.zip, .jar) which includes all the required static files
  2. Login into Salesforce site
  3. Click on setup icon in the header




  1. Click on Static Resources




  1. Name the file and upload the archive file created earlier


file and upload


  1. Make changes in the static resource references in the HTML file. In the below code, we are referring resources from ‘staticcontent’ archive file (which we uploaded in previous step).



<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.staticcontent, 'jquery.min.js')}"></script>

<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.staticcontent, 'jsrender.min.js')}"></script>



Step 4: Create new page


  1. Click on Visualforce Pages


new page



  1. Name the page and paste the HTML we have designed into the markup editor



A screenshot of a social media post

Description generated with very high confidence


  1. Save the page   



Step 5: View the page


Click on preview and you can see the designed page.


A screenshot of a computer

Description generated with very high confidence






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