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How to retrieve all Recurrence instances, when "Ends Never" option is chosen?

2 mins read

When the Scheduler saves a recurrence appointment with “Ends Never” option chosen, it will usually generate and store the limited occurrences of that recurring appointment, for example one month before and after the current month. The following steps shows the way to retrieve all the instances of a recurring appointment on “Ends Never” option chosen (regardless of default limited period).


Step1: Create a Scheduler search sample by referring the below online sample link.!/bootstrap/schedule/appointmentsearch


Step2: Override the public filterAppointments method to modify the default filtering method as shown below.

ej.Schedule.prototype.filterAppointments = function (filterConditions) {
    // here we are storing the default filtering range and current date in other variables
    var oldRenderStart = this._dateRender[0];
    var oldRenderEnd = this._dateRender[this._dateRender.length - 1];
    var oldDate = this.currentDate();
    // here we are assigning the new filtering range and current date
    var newRenderStart = new Date(filterConditions[0].value).getTime();
    this._dateRender[0] = newRenderStart;
    var newRenderEnd = new Date(filterConditions[1].value).getTime();
    this._dateRender[this._dateRender.length - 1] = newRenderEnd;
    this.currentDate(new Date(filterConditions[0].value));
    var result, queryManagar = ej.Query(), matchcaseVal;
    if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(filterConditions)) {
        var firstFilterCondition = filterConditions[0];
        matchcaseVal = ej.isNullOrUndefined(firstFilterCondition.matchcase) ? true : firstFilterCondition.matchcase;
        var predicate = ej.Predicate(firstFilterCondition.field, firstFilterCondition.operator, firstFilterCondition.value, matchcaseVal);
        for (var i = 1; i < filterConditions.length; i++) {
            matchcaseVal = ej.isNullOrUndefined(filterConditions[i].matchcase) ? true : filterConditions[i].matchcase;
            predicate = predicate[filterConditions[i].predicate](filterConditions[i].field, filterConditions[i].operator, filterConditions[i].value, matchcaseVal);
        if ((this.dataSource() instanceof ej.DataManager)) {
            result = queryManagar;
            result = ej.DataManager(this._processed).executeLocal(queryManagar);
    // here we are again assigning the default filtering range and current date values
    this._dateRender[0] = oldRenderStart;
    this._dateRender[this._dateRender.length - 1] = oldRenderEnd;
    this.currentDate(new Date(oldDate));
    return result;



Step3: Run the above sample and the Scheduler will now be rendered with endless recurrence instances as shown below.

Scheduler with endless recurrence instances


Step4: Click the search icon and select the start range as June 5, 2017 9AM and end range as October 10, 2017 1PM as shown below.

Search appoinment window


Step5: When “Search” button is clicked, filtered recurrence instances from the month of June to October will be displayed as shown below.

Filtered recurrence instances

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