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How to host Report Server application as a sub application in IIS ?

2 mins read

The below list of instructions should needs to be followed to host Report Server as application in IIS.

Step 1: Once installed the Syncfusion Report Server in your machine, take a copy of the below folders from the following folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Report Server,
                1. ReportServer.Web
                2. SchedulerServiceInstaller
and paste it in the new folder,


Step 2: Also take a copy of below mentioned utilities from the following location C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Report Server\Utilities and create the folder named ‘Utilities’ and paste it in the location where you had copied earlier
                i. ConnectionStringEditor
                ii. ServerBackup
                iii. DatabaseUninstaller

Step 3: The folder structure will be like below,


Step 4: Change the InstallationFolder node name from the following file,


Step 5: To host the scheduler service for Report server application, run the Syncfusion.Server.Base.Reports.SchedulerService.Installer.exe from the below location,


Step 6: Create an Application pool

  1. Open IIS Manager
  2. Right click on “Application Pools” and choose “Add Application Pool”. 

  3. In the Add Application Pool popup window
    i. Type the name of your Application pool.
    ii. Choose .NET CLR Version as v4.0
    iii. Choose Managed pipeline mode as Integrated
    and click on “OK” to create the application pool.

  4. Go to “Application Pools” and right click on the Application pool which has created now and choose “Advanced Settings”.

  5. In the Advanced Settings window, go to “Options” in the “Identity” under “Process Model”.

  6. In the Application Pool Identity window, open Built-in account dropdown and choose “LocalSystem” as the Identity and click OK.

  7. Set true to Enable 32-bit Applications and select Integrated option for Managed Pipeline Mode


Step 7: Host in IIS as a application

  1. In the IIS Manager left pane, right click on “Default Web Site” or any other application hosted in IIS and choose “Add Application”. 

  2. In the “Add Application” popup window
                    - Type the alias of the Application
                    - Select the Application Pool which you have created earlier
                    - Give the physical path as {Copied_location}\ReportServer.Web
    Click ok to add the application.

  3. Report Server application have inner applications, which will need to convert into applications. We have the following folders to be converted as application,

Report Server

1.   API

2.   WindowsAuthentication



Do the same for the WindowsAuthentication folder.

Now you can browse the application and do the Application startup by following the below link.


Unlock Anonymous and Windows authentication

Since we are using Anonymous authentication and Windows authentication in Syncfusion Report Server, we will need to unlock the sections in IIS.

  1. Select the Syncfusion Report Server hosted application and open “Configuration Editor” from the Features View

    In the Configuration Editor, select Anonymous authentication from the Section dropdown at the top

  3. Select “Unlock Section” from the right panel to unlock Anonymous authentication
  4. Follow the same steps for Windows authentication which is resides under the same section and unlock it.
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