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How can I merge column Headers ?

1 min read


We can use CoveredRanges property to merge two or more columns.



Private void gridDataBoundGrid1_CellClick(object sender, GridCellClickEventArgs e)


if (e.RowIndex == 0 && e.ColIndex > 0)


GridRangeInfo range;

bool check = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.CoveredRanges.Find(e.RowIndex, e.ColIndex, out range);

if (check)

this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.Selections.Add(GridRangeInfo.Cols(range.Left, range.Right));



// On Mouse down, select both the column which is merged.

Private void gridDataBoundGrid1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


int row, col;

this.gridDataBoundGrid1.PointToRowCol(new Point(e.X, e.Y), out row, out col);

if (row == 0 && col > 0)


GridRangeInfo range;

bool check = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.CoveredRanges.Find(row, col, out range);

if (check)

this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.Selections.Add(GridRangeInfo.Cols(range.Left, range.Right));






Private Sub GridDataBoundGrid1_CellClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridCellClickEventArgs) Handles GridDataBoundGrid1.CellClick

If e.RowIndex = 0 AndAlso e.ColIndex > 0 Then

Dim range As GridRangeInfo

Dim check As Boolean = Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.CoveredRanges.Find(e.RowIndex, e.ColIndex, range)

If check Then

Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.Selections.Add(GridRangeInfo.Cols(range.Left, range.Right))

End If

End If

'' On Mouse down, select both the column which is merged.

Private Sub GridDataBoundGrid1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles GridDataBoundGrid1.MouseDown

Dim row, col As Integer

Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.PointToRowCol(New Point(e.X, e.Y), row, col)

If row = 0 AndAlso col > 0 Then

Dim range As GridRangeInfo

Dim check As Boolean = Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.CoveredRanges.Find(row, col, range)

If check Then

Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.Selections.Add(GridRangeInfo.Cols(range.Left, range.Right))

End If

End If

Here is the sample link :

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