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How to add different headers and footers in different pages while converting HTML to PDF

1 min read

Adding different header/footer for each PDF page while converting HTML to PDF is possible by using WebKit HTML converter.

Our WebKit HTML converter do not have direct support for adding different header/footer for each PDF pages. As a workaround, it can be achieved by using PdfTemplate, but it has some limitation such as Hyperlinks, annotations, Pdf form fields and some advanced features will not be preserved in the output document.

Assemblies Required

  1. Syncfusion.Compression.Base.dll
  2. Syncfusion.HtmlConverter.Base.dll
  3. Syncfusion.Pdf.Base.dll
  4. QtBinaries assemblies

All the above mentioned assemblies can be get by installing the WebKit installer available in the below link.

WebKit HTML Converter:

Working Sample can be downloaded from the below link. 

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