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How do I format the tooltips for the chart series?

1 min read


Tooltips can be displayed by setting ShowTooltips to true. Using PointsToolTipFormat property we can set the tooltip format that is to be applied to values that are displayed as ToolTips. It exposed the following tooltip formats,

  • "{0}" - series name
  • "{1}" - series style
  • "{2}" - tooltip of point
  • "{3}" - X value of point
  • "{4}"- Y value of point

We can also define the tooltip text using the PointsToolTipFormat property.


//Enabling Tooltips

this.chartControl1.ShowToolTips = true;

// Setting SeriesName as Tooltip for the series

series.PointsToolTipFormat = "{0}";

// Setting Tooltip as Series2 for the series1

series1.PointsToolTipFormat = "Series 2";


'Enabling Tooltips

Me.chartControl1.ShowToolTips = True

' Setting SeriesName as Tooltip for the series

series.PointsToolTipFormat = "{0}"

' Setting Tooltip as Series2 for the series1

series1.PointsToolTipFormat = "Series 2"

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