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How to Fetch the data from an HTTPS URL in GetHTTP processor using Syncfusion Data Integration Platform

2 mins read


This document illustrates how to fetch the data from an HTTPS URL in the GetHTTP processor using Data Integration Platform.

Steps to create and configure “SSL Context Service”

Step 1

In root process group, click Configure icon.

Root process group

Step 2

In the “Data Flow Configuration” dialog, navigate to the “Controller Services” tab.

Controller Service dialog

Step 3

Click “+” icon to create new controller service.

Add icon in controller service

Step 4

In Add Controller Service dialog, select “StandardSSLContextService” and click ADD button.

Add controller service dialog

Step 5

After creating the new controller service, click configure icon to configure the properties.

Configure Icon

Step 6

In properties tab, enter the created Truststore details for Truststore Filename, Truststore Password, Truststore Type, and TLS protocol.


Use the following steps to generate Truststore file:

  1. Open command prompt and enter the following commands to add JAVA_HOME environmental variables with in the command prompt.
  1. set JAVA_HOME= <Drive>:\Syncfusion\Data Integration\<version>\Java\jdk_x64
  2. set PATH= %PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
  1. Create certificate and generate Truststore file as given in following help link.


keytool -import -alias DataIntegration -file E:\sample\certificate\DataIntegrationCertificate.cer -keystore E:\sample\certificate\Truststore.jks -storepass changeit


The above command will generate TrustStore file in given location (E:\sample\certificate\Truststore.jks).

Refer to the following screenshot.Property Configuration dialog


Truststore Filename: Truststore file location created by using the previous steps.

Truststore Password: Password used while creating Keystore file.

Truststore Type: Type of the created Keystore file.

TLS Protocol: SSL



After configuring the values, click Apply to save the configuration.

Step 7

Click Enable button to enable the SSL Context services across the Data Integration Platform.

Enable Icon



Steps for configuring “GetHTTP” processor


Step 1

Drag the GetHTTP processor into the Data Integration canvas work area.


Step 2

Double click this processor. In configure dialog, enter the value for required fields like URL, filename, SSL Context Service, username, password, and Accept Content-Type. For SSL Context service, select existing controller service created in previous steps.                                                            

Property Value

URL property value


Filename property sets the given filename for the obtained FlowFile response

Step 3

Save the changes by clicking “Apply”.

Step 4

Right click and click Start to run the processor.

Start Icon





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