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How to place thumb at certain position on loading.

2 mins read

Syncfusion RangeSlider provides support to place the thumb at certain position on loading.



To Place the single thumb at certain position on loading:


Step 1: Set desired value to the Value Property, and set ShowRange to False.

Step 2: Single will be placed on the position based on the value given for Value property.


To Place the dual thumb at certain position on loading:


Step 1: Set Values for RangeStart and RangeEnd, and set ShowRange to True.

Step 2: Thumb will be placed on the position based on the values given for RangeStart and RangeEnd, respectively.


The following code illustrates how to achieve this way.Code snippet:

XAML: code to place single thumb at certain position on loading:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:x="" 
<range:SfRangeSlider ShowRange="False" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Value="50" Orientation="Horizontal"/>


C# :code to place single thumb at certain position on loading:

namespace RangeSlider
public partial class RangeSliderPage : ContentPage
    public RangeSliderPage()
        SfRangeSlider rangeSlider = new SfRangeSlider();
        rangeSlider.Value = 50;
        rangeSlider.ShowRange = false;
        rangeSlider.Minimum = 0;
        rangeSlider.Maximum = 100;
        rangeSlider.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
        rangeSlider.HeightRequest = 400;
        this.Content = rangeSlider;


XAML code to place dual thumb at certain position on loading:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:x="" 
<range:SfRangeSlider RangeStart="40" RangeEnd="80" ShowRange="True" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Orientation="Horizontal"/>


C# code to place dual thumb at certain position on loading:

namespace RangeSlider
public partial class RangeSliderPage : ContentPage
    public RangeSliderPage()
        SfRangeSlider rangeSlider = new SfRangeSlider();
        rangeSlider.RangeStart = 40;
        rangeSlider.RangeEnd = 80;
        rangeSlider.ShowRange = true;
        rangeSlider.Minimum = 0;
        rangeSlider.Maximum = 100;
        rangeSlider.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
        rangeSlider.HeightRequest = 400;
        this.Content = rangeSlider;


Image after setting single thumb on certain position on loading:


Single thumb in SfRangeSlider



Image after setting dual thumb on certain position on loading:


Dual thumb in SfRangeSlider


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