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How to change the Spinner button position

1 min read

Syncfusion NumericUpDown provides the support to change the position of the Spin button.


To set the position of the spin button on right:


Step 1: Set SpinButtonAlignment to Right.

Step 2: SpinButton will be displayed on the Right side of the SfNumericTextBox.


To set the position of the spin button on left:


Step 1: Set SpinButtonAlignment to Left.

Step 2: SpinButton will be displayed on the Left side of the SfNumericTextBox.


To set the position of the spin button on both side:


Step 1: Set SpinButtonAlignment to Both.

Step 2: SpinButton will be displayed on the both side of the SfNumericTextBox.


The below code illustrates the way to achieve this


XAML code to set Spin button to right side:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<numeric:SfNumericUpDown Value="10" FormatString="n" ParsingMode="Decimal" SpinButtonAlignment="Right" TextAlignment="Center"/>



C# code to set spin button on right side:


namespace NumericUpDown
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
SfNumericUpDown numeric = new SfNumericUpDown();
public MainPage()
StackLayout stack = new StackLayout();
numeric.Value = 10;
numeric.FormatString = "n";
numeric.ParsingMode = ParsingMode.Decimal;
numeric.SpinButtonAlignment = SpinButtonAlignment.Right;
numeric.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
numeric.BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;
numeric.HeightRequest = 300;
this.Content = stack;



Image when Spin button set to right side:



Image when Spin button set to left side:



Image when Spin button set to both side:








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